• One of the most majestic of animals is the horse that runs wild and free. It breathes in nobility through its wide nostrils. It paints freedom wherever it moves and hooves the ground with thunderclaps. It pounds out fortitude and strength with every beat of its heart.

    It is brother to the wind and oozes grace at full gallop. It loves its freedom and finds refuge in its large family. It may follow a great stallion who strides and struts, but its nature is one of wanderlust.

    Traveler, stargazer, survivor; the horse is a striking beauty of strength and speed, but governed by a docile soul. It is admired, but not feared.

    A biological magnet to the human eye, we can’t help looking at them. It is no wonder why. They are glorious creatures with traits we wish we had – to run for miles, to command strength and power, to be agile and beautiful, to flick a tail and care nothing of time.

    Wild horses are colorful creatures that frolic about and boast of the present moment. We thank God for them in every gaze we give them. One of the great gifts we enjoy in this abundant universe is to behold this great animal. Like good friends, we admire them in part and envy them in part, but are proud to partner up with them in common cause.

    Yet without Man, what is the horse? Without Man, the horse is an aimless animal. An animal who wanders, lives and dies. Without Man its presence is not found in ancient caves, nor noted in equestrian lore, nor loved by human hearts, nor feted by crowds that roar. It becomes an insignificant life-form that cannot be appreciated.

    Without Man, The royalty of a horse would gleam in the eye of no one. The power, speed and beauty of the horse would be nothing but a whisper in the wind. Without Man, the present moment is but one moment in a long parade of emptiness and nothing.

    But put a man on the horse’s back and the glory of the horse returns. Let a woman ride the beast and the joy found in the whole idea of a horse breaks out. Partner a horse with humanity and it fulfils a purpose it never had. In partnership, the horse can build cities, and conquer nations. It can tame frontiers and write history. In this venture the horse serves with obedience and strength, but retains all of the majesty it ever had before. Its freedom is lost, but it gains security and trust. It finds it is needed and loved. It develops a relationship with the only other life form that it could.

    When purpose is given to life, the universe conforms to a new reality.

    Did the wild horse deserve a better fate than to partner up with Man? Clearly it did – sometimes. However, both humanity and the horse have prospered together. Freedom, like any asset, loses all value if it cannot be exchanged for something. The wild horse may have preferred to keep its freedom, but it’s a question that it can’t be asked. Even so, the horse has retained all of its stature and character. It is still beautiful, noble and majestic. It has been afforded a purpose it never used to have even when it put its faith in the unworthy hands of Man.

    Now imagine what humanity can do if it learns to put its faith in God.